Past Projects

Research Projects
Preterm Birth Initiative - Consultant

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (6/2014 - 5/2019)

To lead a collaborative global effort aimed at reducing the number of children born premature and protecting the health of preterm babies and women around the world.

UCSF Watson Faculty Scholars Award - Principal Investigator

University of California, San Francisco Dean's Office (7/2014 - 6/2018)

University-sponsored award to support exceptional faculty in their professional development at UCSF. Provides start-up funds to support personal and professional goals of improving the health of underrepresented communities.

International Collaboration of Prospective Studies of HIV and HCV in Injection Drug Users - Co-Principal Investigator

NIH, National Institute on Drug Abuse (5/2011 - 4/2016)

An international collaboration of nine prospective studies of HIV and HCV in IDU.

A foundation for successful data linkage: Reporting on the availability and quality of correctional and health data sources across California - Principal Investigator

University of California, Office of the President (8/2016 - 11/2017)

This project's activities will assess the available data and feasibility of data linkage across multiple data sources and domains in several counties of California. Our goal is to establish the necessary foundation for researchers across the fields of epidemiology, sociology, psychology, social work, and public policy to take advantage of the existing data systems collecting health and criminal justice data at both the county and individual levels to facilitate evidence-based practices and improve the health and healthcare of communities impacted by incarceration. 

Understanding the contextual issue of relationship power in an at-risk population of young IDU - Sub-Award Principal Investigator

University of California San Francisco's Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) Development Award (3/2012 - 5/2014)

A mixed-method study to develop a grounded theory of relationship dynamics associated with risky injecting behaviors and validate a quantitative measurement scale for interpersonal constructs.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) - Sub-Award Principal Investigator

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (9/2014 - 8/2019)

This 5-year renewal support extends a well-established observational cohort of young adult injection drug users, studying factors that will inform and translate to the prevention of HIV and HCV.

Estimating the number of transwomen in San Francisco accessing HCV testing, treatment, and cure - Principal Investigator

AIDS Research Institute (ARI) Strategic Support Award (8/2018 - 7/2020)

The proposed research will develop a Continuum of Care (CoC) model specifically representing the population of trans-women in San Francisco, a group with a particularly high burden of HIV and HCV, thus providing the first valid regional estimates of screening, diagnosis, HCV treatment access, and HCV cure for this subpopulation. With the Strategic Support Award, I plan to lead a study integrating data across medical records, observational studies, and surveillance systems to generate CoC estimates representing the population with viral HCV and HCV-HIV co-infection among trans-women in San Francisco.

Understanding the interpersonal context of HIV/HCV risk within injecting dyads - Principal Investigator

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (8/2014 - 7/2020)

The overall goal of this proposed research is to utilize dyadic data to examine the influence of interpersonal dynamics on high-risk injecting behaviors among a diverse sample of injection drug users (IDU).

Assessing COVID-19 knowledge and COVID-19 impact on food insecurity, housing stability, isolation, and experiences of stigmatization for people who use drugs and low-income San Franciscans - Principal Investigator

UCSF COVID-19 Rapid Response Pilot Grant (6/2020 - 6/2021)

This study leverages strategic outreach and utilizes a telephone or web-based cross-sectional survey design to measure recent changes in housing stability, food security, social isolation, and experiences of stigmatization and health among people who use drugs, low-income people, and people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco.

SF BUILD: Enabling full representation in Science - Consultant

NIH/NIGM (1/2021 - 6/2021)

To overcome these barriers to effective, equitable biomedical research that benefits all populations, the overall goal of the SF BUILD II project is to sustain promising climate transformation efforts and disseminate those found to be effective.

REACH: A Shared Mobile Clinical Research Unit - Co-Principal Investigator

UCSF Resource Allocation Program (RAP) (8/2019 - 12/2021)

The REACH (Research Expansion Advancing Community Health) Mobile Clinical Research Unit facilitates multidisciplinary clinical and translational community-based research. Under a shared governance model, the REACH Mobile Clinical Research Unit will be supervised by Drs. Price and Morris and other UCSF investigators, especially those who conduct research relevant to medically underserved populations. By bringing a research team to the community, rather than vice versa, the REACH Mobile Clinical Research Unit will: 1) Enhance the ability to conduct cutting-edge research within diverse populations; 2) Increase the competitiveness for recruiting and retaining strong research faculty by providing a well-resourced research setting to carry out funded research; and 3) Increase competitiveness for external research funding by providing research faculty an efficient method to collect pilot data necessary to demonstrate feasibility of subsequent proposed research.

Sampling Knowledge Hub - Co-Principal Investigator

UCSF Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics (6/2020 - 12/2021)

Sampling is integral to epidemiologic study design, shaping analytic decisions, interpretation, and public health relevance of research findings. This initiative aims to establish the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics as a knowledge hub for modern sampling methods to improve population science and health disparities research.

Informing hepatitis C virus elimination strategies with epidemiological data from highest need populations - Principal Investigator

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (9/2019 - 8/2022)

This 2-year project will generate new estimates of hepatitis C virus (HCV) screening and treatment outcomes for underserved, but high-risk groups (young people who inject drugs, men who have sex with men and inject drugs, and transgender women) to identify subgroup specific policy/programmatic interventions.

Enhancing medication possession to improve adherence for people who inject drugs - Principal Investigator

UCSF Resource Allocation Program (RAP) (6/2021 - 5/2022)

The objective of this pilot study is to improve HCV treatment completion by addressing a key threat to nonadherence among PWID, medication non-possession, by developing a novel intervention that can be easily integrated in standard clinical care. We propose conducting a two-phase study aimed at developing and manufacturing the device and assessing preliminary acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy of the device on HCV medication adherence for PWID with HCV mono and HIV co-infection undergoing HCV treatment.

HCV Medication Storage Study - Principal Investigator

UCSF CAPS-HIV Innovative Grants Resource Allocation Program (RAP) 

A pilot study evaluating a wearable storage device's potential to enhance Hepatitis C Virus medication possession and thus improve treatment adherence for People who inject Drugs.

UCSF Sampling Knowledge Hub - Co-Principal Investigator

UCSF Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics (6/2020 - 12/2021)

This initiative aims to establish the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics as a knowledge hub for modern sampling methods to improve population science and health disparities research.